Ticket to Work
Ticket to Work Program | Employment Support Services
Employment Network Provider for the Ticket to Work Program
Authorized by Social Security Administration
Earn a Better Future.
What is Ticket to Work?
BRWE is a qualified National Employment Network (EN) that is contracted by Social Security. We provide support, services and ongoing employment consulting to help beneficiaries sustain and maintain long term employment.
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program is a FREE and Voluntary program available to people ages 18 through 64 who have a disability and receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
BRWE is a qualified Employment Network (EN) that is contracted by Social Security to provide support, services, and encouragement to make employment successful for those returning into the workforce.
BRWE is a National EN, serving clients throughout the entire United States.
Goals of Ticket to Work:
The Goals of Ticket to Work are to help those beneficiaries obtain sustainable employment that will lead to self-sufficiency.
Go to work and become financially independent without losing disability benefits: Trial Work Period allows you to test your ability to work while still receiving benefits.
Return to benefits if you stop working: Reinstatement to Benefits.
Continue to receive healthcare benefits. Your health benefit continues after you start work!
Be protected from receiving a medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR).
BRWE has a certified Community Work Incentives Counselor onsite. (CWIC).
Here are a few ways that BRWE can help you with your employment goals:
Individual Employment Services
Career planning
Empower you to become self-sufficient.
Job Retention for up to 3 years.
What can BRWE do for you?
Individualized Support Services
Career Planning: Create a path for returning to work.
Resume Writing: Focus on Abilities
Job Search
Job Leads/Placement
Job Interview Preparation
Job Accommodations/Disclosure Counseling
Benefits Counseling
Job Retention Supports, Career Advancement and Encouragement
Keys to Success
Apply for Jobs
Report your Wages to Social Security and send your Paystubs to BRWE.
Contact your BRWE Case Manager often
Keep your BRWE Case Manager updated with employment changes
Benefits Planning
Benefit Counseling by a Certified Community Work Incentive Counselor (CWIC)
Benefit Counseling Services:
Explain how working will affect your Federal and State
Benefits, including:
Benefits, including:
Healthcare Benefits, including Medicare and Medicaid.
Info on additional federal and state programs.
Reporting Wages to prevent overpayments.
Work Incentives/Safety Nets.
Trial Work Period (TWP). (SSDI recipients only.) Can test your ability to work for at least 9 months – while still receiving your full SSDI cash benefits, no matter how much you earn!
Expedited Reinstatement (EXR). (SSDI and SSI recipients.) If your benefits stopped because of your earnings and you are no longer able to work, you can request to have your cash benefits reinstated without having to complete a new application.
Protection from Medical Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) | SSDI and SSI recipients. Your medical reviews are postponed while you are in the Ticket to Work Program.
Partnership Plus can help you stay employed:
When VR services end, BRWE can provide job retention, services, and support that can help you remain employed, or advance your career.
Benefits Counseling by a Certified Community Work Incentive Counselor (CWIC)